4 Things that the LW team are doing to stay sane during lockdown!

4 Things that the LW team are doing to stay sane during lockdown!

We don't know about you, but the lockdown is creating it's own, how do we put this, challenges.  Whether people are calling this the new normal or not, we're not all finding it that easy to treat as if it is!  There are the internet memes going round of people dressed in office gear on top half and their PJs and fluffy slippers on the bottom half (and that's not just the ladies....) and all the jokes about us not being able to recognise our neighbours post lockdown because of hair length, lack of colour, no manicured fingernails and so on and it's all very funny but when we talking together over the internet from our own LW bunkers we got to chatting about what the team are actually doing to stay sane and we thought we'd share them with you!
Belinda our marketing queen is enjoying watching her partner and their gorgeous (yes! truly!) 2 year old daughter making stuff - cookies, pasta dough, puff pastry - no just joking. She says she hasn't actually tried any of it, having seen it being made but still.... must be amusing

Caroline, our MD is staying sane by locking her husband and son in different rooms away from her and not communicating with them unless absolutely necessary until G&T time at 6pm. Well, sometimes it's earlier but that's her story.  She's taking her dog for daily walks and (as usual) working from home on about a million things, sometimes even looking up to realise that it's G&T time plus about an hour. Or so she says 

Image via Pinterest - here 

Sarah one of our Lingerie Angel tag team is on furlough and at home with 2 small boys (it was three but then her husband went back to work). I think we'll draw a vale over how she's keeping sane (in fact how IS she staying sane?) and just call it wine therapy. She says she'd much rather be in the calm, sane place that is our lovely office but is making do with lots and lots of practical messy fun with her boys instead. She has our sympathies

Pinterest is the best place we know for kids activities - like the picture above - find more here. 

Nichola - the other Lingerie Angel partner in crime is valiantly holding the fort and stays sane by being out of the house for a few hours a day.  In all honesty, the others feel that this would be the best way of staying sane but it's just not possible.  Nichola also takes George the dog out for walks when the tension in the house gets a bit much and has found places in her neighbourhood that she didn't even know existed before now.  She's only lived there for 20 years 

We're still working with bloggers and influencers, so if you'd liek to work with us and feel LW could benefit you - please DM us or drop us an email.  :) 

We hope that our little bios have provided some light amusement in these difficult times.  Littlewomen.com is still managing to stay open and there are various unforeseen challenges such as us working to get your orders ready to be delivered but Royal Mail failing to turn up to collect them; us running out of mail sacks so we couldn't cart them manually to our local post office; exhausting all the local post offices' patience with our drop offs and being sent away; suppliers sending a new line that has been back and forth across eastern Europe twice now for some inexplicable reason; and other suppliers (and we mean big businesses) closing selected warehouses so we are only getting half or less of the items we'd ordered.  We're just thankful that we're still just about open and are so pleased to be able to serve you still.  We're sorry if orders aren't getting out as quickly as we'd like but we're doing the very best we can.

  1. These are but small problems compared to what others are experiencing and we're all genuinely grateful that these niggles are the extent of it.  We hope you and your loved ones stay safe and well.

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