These are certainly unusual times that we are living in. For the LW team we are wfh with one stoic lingerie angel going into the office to despatch our gorgeous products, and that’s the way we hope it will stay until this is over. But on a more personal note, if you are stuck at home (and let’s face it this is the only way we’re going to beat this thing and stay safe) we have come up with some hints and tips for saving your sanity and ideas for things you can do to entertain yourselves and make #stayingin the new #goingout and just a little bit more bearable.
1. Get dressed - and start with your fave lingerie.
Let’s face it, even with the best will in the world wfh could be seen as a reason to stay in your pjs all day and work in your dressing gown. We’d strongly advise against this – at least for the majority of the time – as you’re going to feel a whole load more motivated if you stick to some kind of normality. So get up at a reasonable time for a ‘normal’ working day, grab a shower and – gasp – get dressed (put on your best lingerie) , do your hair and even put a little make up on if that’s what you usually do. Trust us – you’re going to feel a whole load better for treating a day wfh as though you’re in the work place and you won’t have to stay with the video turned off when you’re on a work zoom call!
2. Get fit for free!
Make the most of the permitted exercise time – and get out of the house! Sure, avoid people according to the current guidelines and keep a safe distance but honestly, even for the most committed sofa surfer even a ten minute walk in the fresh air and getting a change of scene will do you the world of good – even if it seems easier to hide like you’re hibernating…. And don’t forget you aren’t limited to how much exercise you can do in your home so take advantage of the hundreds of free online exercise routines freely available on YouTube;
– don’t let #stayingin be the cause of a new wardrobe….
3. Learn something new
Find some time to learn something! With what seems like the world in lockdown there are a load of companies and individuals offering free, reduced price or pay what you can for access to their skills! From learning a language to learning to play an instrument or brushing up your cooking schools to name but a few, there is so much great stuff out there to access. And spending an hour or so a day doing something new will keep your mind stimulated and you might even find yourself a new hobby or perhaps a new skill that you can slay them with at work!
4. Tidy up
We hate to say it but now is a perfect time to get on with some of the smaller jobs in the house that you’ve been putting off…… You could go completely Marie Kondo and do a monster clear out but we reckon tackling small tasks one at a time is so satisfying because you see progress!
Inspo : Marie kondo spark joy book - Try the Audiobook here
And some of those little jobs might include:
Sorting out your underwear drawer – reunite all the separated socks, chuck out the ‘was once white but are now grey bras and knickers’ and then spend some time refreshing your undies by shopping online.
Clear out the ‘junk’ drawer – everyone has one – and we bet you don’t need the half of the stuff in there! And, as a bonus you might find the things that you put ‘somewhere safe’ and promptly lost….
Tidy up your make up! Now’s the time to sort out all the old dried up stuff and give your brushes a clean – and the professionals advise that there are recommended ‘use by’ dates for make up once opened so go through your stuff and get rid of the lipstick you’ve had since you were a teenager…. And give your make up bag a clean too. We promise you’ll feel super smug once you’ve got your weapons of choice straight.
5. Travel
Travel the world! For free! Well, virtually travel the world that is, from the safety and comfort of your sofa. There’s nothing like watching video tours of places you’d like to visit and start your bucket list for when this pandemic is over. Get inspired by virtual tours of some of the world’s leading museums and art galleries and see famous works of art; go visit a virtual zoo and see cute animals or even take a virtual tour of a country for future travel inspo. We particularly liked this virtual tour of Japan
But here are some other fabulous places you can go and visit - and there are some fabulous ideashere
6. Get Creative
Paint or Draw something for a friend, grandparent or just your downstairs loo that could do with brightening up. This ones also great for the kids in the house! We love Lucy Tiffney, she's amazing and has been doing free art workshops if you lacking in inspiration! See below;
All of us have that book they bought and still haven't got around to reading so now's your chance. Put the kettle on, find a comfy corner and start that first chapter. Not got the book you want? Audible have 30 days free trials so there's no excuse!
8. Bake!
It doesn't have to be a masterpiece but baking is good for the soul!
Try something simple, check out Pinterest or Instagram there are tonnes of fab bakes, you could also try Jamie Oliver's flatbread's for brekkie with just 2 simple ingredients here. We love these baked doughnuts below by @palmbaynqy.
This is a great way to do a dinner party or that coffee and cake morning that you may be missing out on. Get a group together, the more the merrier. You can share tips on how to keep entertained, or how to work from home well. If you don't have Facetime, try Zoom, WhatsApp, Houseparty.
10. Pamper yourself!
You may be feeling stressed or anxious at the moment and we just want you to know, you are not alone. So many of us, customers, staff, friends and family are feeling it too in these uncertain times, but we WILL pull through. That's why its important not to neglect our self care routines, whether it's painting your nails, putting on a face mask or just having a lovely bath filled with essential oils. Make time for you right now, silly to say as we're all just at home but its easy to forget and veg out in front of Netflix. If you're feeling slightly low, scared or anxious try the app Calm or Head space - we find them super helpful and they definitely help you feel calm.
But above all lovely people, remember that this too will pass and there will be brighter days ahead for us. Stay safe, stay sane and reach out to those friends, family and the amazing support networks that are springing up everywhere. You've got this, honestly.